Cosmic Vintage Sun Moon and Stars
Metatron Cube Geometric Symbol

It’s time to wildly transform your life!


Imagine the power of discovering who you are at the deepest level, what really makes you tick, what your greatest gifts to this world are, and what’s currently stopping you from living the life of your dreams.

Are you ready to manifest success, fulfillment and abundance like never before?

Cosmic Vintage Sun Moon and Stars
Metatron Cube Geometric Symbol

Helping You Manifest the Extraordinary Life That Is Your Birthright

What you desire is possible!

Do you find yourself struggling to create ​the life you want, despite what you know ​about Law of Attraction and spirituality?

Do you wonder why you get stuck in ​repeating the same patterns even though ​you believe you have changed your ​thoughts around them?

Do you manifest abundance but find ​yourself lacking the fulfillment? Or you ​may manifest work that fulfills you, but you ​can’t seem to get off your feet financially. ​Or you find yourself working extremely ​hard and feeling tired and depleted.

Something always seems to be missing!

It's time to claim your ​level 10 pinch me

dream life!

Are you trying to figure out your next step in your journey?

the Akashic Records can be exactly what you need

The Records are a vibrational record of every Soul and its journey - containing all past, present, and ​future possibilities. It provides all the wisdom, guidance and support we need in this lifetime. Experience ​empowering and transformational insights on your journey.

Would like to consult your Soul’s Akashic Records to realign with your Soul purpose?

Do you have a decision to make and would like intuitive guidance before making your choice?

Do you might feel the need for an energy clearing?

Hi! I'm Lindsay

After a (really) bad divorce and a fluke accident that caused me a brain injury…

I was exactly where you are now. I knew then and there I NEEDED a different and more fulfilling path for me; I was capable of so much more and I feel as though I deserved so much more joy. But how?

I made a serious change, dug deep and did an immense amount of research, gained an incredible amount of knowledge. This led me to become an Advanced Soul Realignment Practitioner and Akashic Records Reader.

And now, I'm aligned with my true life purpose, and the importance of helping others find their way - through the tough stuff to the exhilarating, from the dismal and sluggish to the effervescent that is possible in our soul.

This is a remembering of ​your Soul and its journey

Owning and embodying

your Soul Purpose will help you ​unlock your dream life

What Clients Say

“I think it finally hit me today. I am so happy I want to cry. I have this renewed outlook on my life. I’m sleeping better, I feel better, I don’t feel weighed down any more. I’m setting boundaries and do the things I want to do, that make me happy. I just wanted to say thank you again. Like I said when we met I didn’t know what to expect, but I can say now that I love this version of me. Thank you!”

“My soul realignment session with Lindsay was both eye opening and life changing. Everything that she uncovered resonated with me so deeply. Since my session I have been able to move forward in my life which is incredible considering I have felt stuck for such a long time. I’m so grateful for Lindsay and this modality.”

“Omg Lindsay!! I found another blueprinter deliverer!! All I can say is just wow! Since I am in the beginning stages of my spiritual journey, this really just solidified things spiritually for me! There is soo much I still need to learn and super excited! Thank you so much for the soul realignment session! I’m realizing I needed you to help me fully see things. This is truly an awakening”

the soul aligned business method

Have you been pouring your heart and soul into

your business, yet feel stuck in the same place, as

if you just can’t get a break?

You have your own unique entrepreneurial energy, ​revealed through your same Divine Soul Blueprint and ​what you’ve been trying is likely not aligned to it.

It's time to consider a different approach!

connect with me

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